Reserve Officer Program

The Reserve Unit is a volunteer group designed to assist the Department in carrying out its mission and will augment the regular police staff as needed. Reserve members have diverse backgrounds, which may include active-duty military, management, maintenance personnel, teachers, students, and prior law enforcement.


Must be at least 19 years of age.
Must have a high school diploma or G.E.D. equivalent.
Must possess a valid Driver’s License.
Must have a clean driving history.
Must pass a criminal history check.
Must be a United States citizen. Law Enforcement experience is not a requirement. 

ALL uniforms, equipment, and firearms will be provided by the Department. However, Reserve Officers will be required to purchase their own body armor from an approved manufacturer/specification list.  

Recruitment Process:

Step 1: Applicants must apply in person at Enterprise City Hall in the Chief’s Office. If your application is selected as a possible candidate, you will receive an email notification with further instructions.

Step 2: Applicants must pass a physical agility exam.

Step 3: Applicants must pass an oral board interview.

Step 4: Applicants will begin the background investigation phase of the recruiting process. Applicants must also pass a psychological exam and drug screen.   

After successful completion of the recruitment process, the applicant will be accepted into the Reserve Program and will be enrolled in the Reserve Police Academy. Reserve Officers must complete 90 hours of instruction on various topics, which include but are not limited to the following: Criminal Law, Vehicle Stops, Police Communication, Report Writing, First Aid & CPR, Traffic Direction, Firearms, Use of Force, and Less-Lethal Devices. After completing the Reserve Academy and passing all tests and certifications, they begin working with Field Training Officers. After Reserve Police Academy is completed, the Reserve Officer will attend monthly training meetings as well as log ride time with Officers. Reserve Officers are expected to volunteer a minimum of 16 hours per quarter.

If you have any questions or would like to speak with someone about our reserve program, please contact: 

CPT Billy Haglund- Email Billy Haglund
Reserve Officer Coordinator Chris Millard- Email Chris Millard
or Public Affairs Tech Genevieve Morris- Email Genevieve Morris 

Please click the link below to print out an application, or you stop by the Chief of Police Office to pick one up.

Reserve Officer Application